In today’s world, it is becoming essential to possess a knowledge of, at least, one foreign language. Needless to say, in the EU, possessing the necessary skills to learn a foreign language and then make use of it is extremely important. There are still groups of people, however, who, because of difficult social situations and potentially excluding environments, do not have the opportunity to learn a foreign language.
Our Project is designed to facilitate the process through which prisoners learn a foreign language. We believe that all prisoners should have the opportunity to engage in the education process with one of the spin-offs being a direct increase in the prospects of their being employed after release within the EU. Realising how important learning a language is, we, as tutors, wish to explore new and innovative ways of explaining ceratin aspects of learning a foreign language within a socially excluded environment which is unique due to the nature of the institutions involved. In effect, we want to enthuse our learners so that they ‘burst out into “flames” of learning’!
The main thrust of the project is to create a Word Calendar that will be accompanied by an additional Exercise Book full of related materials that act as a thorough ‘on-going revision’ and ‘check for learning’. In addition to the development of the Calendar, every partnership member will simultaneously create individual teaching and learning materials, based upon the specific needs and requirements of the prisoners involved in the project in each participating country.
We wish to emphasize the increasing importance of learning a foreign language within the EU, as well as raise awareness within the prison community that learning a foreign language is important, but can also be enjoyable!
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